Status quo in the unlawful marketing of pharmaceuticals.

Trade in medicinal products should be defined according to strict rules.

During the pandemic, an online form of the business of selling medicines in so-called “prescription machines” developed.

The pharmaceutical law indicates the standards that a pharmaceutical entity must meet, but the practice of illegal trade still continues.

Attorney Maciej Gawronski comments:

“There are no legal tools in Poland to prevent illegal sites from being displayed to users, because we don’t have a register of banned sites. There have been several attempts to introduce it, but unsuccessfully. Indeed, there is a danger that the registry will be used as preventive censorship (…)”,514868.html?fbclid=IwAR05idqhPHHh1bm56PD4RgNSzAGlbWDUsCvaJH6t-ojX6KaNZtvtJYtirfU


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Ilustracja do „Cyberiady” Stanisława Lema, Daniel Mróz ©za zgodą Łucji Mróz-Raynoch